
November 19, 2014

The Beauty Buffs: Metallic

Hey everyone!  This week the Beauty Buff's theme is METALLIC.  I really had to dig for a metallic color -because I typically hate metallic polishes so I own few to none.  I thought this would be a great time to practice a Ruffian since most of the metallic color would be covered up!  Haha, I'm terrible! 
I used some no-name silvery metallic polish and then went over with Sally Hansen Oxblood.

Check out the other Beauty Buff's metallic creations:

November 14, 2014

Winter Blues

Hey everyone!  This overcast weather has me feeling a little blue today so I needed a little pick me up.  I used OPI Do You Lilac It?, Sparrow Me the Drama and China Glaze Urban-Night for today's mani.

Happy Friday <3

November 7, 2014

Mattey Polka

Hey everyone!  I have not done anything matte for quite some time now so today I went for a simple mattified polka dot mani.
I used China Glaze Fancy Pants as my base.

Happy Friday <3

November 5, 2014

The Beauty Buffs: Color Blocking

Hey everyone!  Another fun Beauty Buffs post to share!  Today we're talking about COLOR BLOCKING - I love using fun and contrasting colors when blocking.  This time I went with Sally Hansen I Pink I Can and Pacific Blue and Noir Miami Sunrise.

 Check out all the other color blocking from the rest of The Beauty Buffs!